Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm Totally Short On Time Today, But

Here are some random updates:

1. I did buy a new phone (at a gouging price, I might add) but I've lost the numbers stored in my old one. Grr. So if you call, please leave your phone number in any voicemail you may leave me. Just in case.

2. I've lost 4.6 pounds!

3. We visited friends in Milwaukee this past weekend, and really enjoyed it. Friends (both from IU and from Josh's high school) = fun. Milwaukee = fun!

4. I have my yearly doctor check-up today. I hate those.

5. Our family computer (you know, the one with all of the pictures saved on it) won't turn on.


It is Monday morning. 6 is all I can do.


Short Stop said...

GOOD FOR YOU on the weight loss, girlfriend. That's awesome!

I hope the you can salvage the computer. That happened to us once and we figured it out.

Book giveaway? COOL!!!

Jenni S. said...

That's great about the weight - you were SO good about not cheating the other night, you deserve to be rewarded for it!

And I agree with Sarah - yay for book give-aways!

Lynn said...

Congratulations on being 5 lbs lighter (.6 means we get to round up)!!!

Glad you were able to visit with friends.

Boo for the family computer!!! Hope you get it figured out!

Can't wait for the book giveaway!!!